
by Jewels
(Higgins Lake, Michigan)

I've believed mostly all of my life. Dream of flying often, love nature and ice cream etc.Recently I got many healing crystals and started wearing one I felt particularly drawn to.... And I am pretty certain I spotted one. I had one of those days I felt I should've stayed in bed. The universe was against me. Now I wonder if they were messing with me trying to get my attention. In the past few days I saw a cricket, tons of butterflies, monarchs in particular, many birds, bugs and all kinds of animals up very close, even a 4 ft owl right in front of me (driving to and from the area where the forest burned in the Grayling, Mi area to Houghton Lake).

I got home and was trying to make sense of it all when I saw a bright little fairy floating in front of my neighbor's home as if to get warmer on a rather chilly night. I couldn't believe my eyes and yet I also had this knowing I really truly saw her!

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Aug 15, 2019
Real to the ones that see.
by: William

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