All About Fairies 

Two Fairies by a brook.

Fairies.....Since our site name is "" we will start our discussion with Fairies. They might be thought of as small, feminine, very delicate creatures dressed in pastel or white cloths. Fairies look human, like some other mythical creatures that do manage to get involved in human lives. Folklore tells us that there are other Fantasy Creatures like these Fairy beings that are endowed with the powers of magic and enchantment.  
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Are We are All About Fairies? YES!.  We will discuss the origin, history, authors and whatever else you would like to discuss about Fairies and Fantasy Creatures and Fairy Tales.  Please HELP us build this site.  This is an old site with new management, Please HELP! Fantasy Creatures


Fairy in a tree with birds

Fairies... Are They Real?

Are Fairies Real? Origins and Evidence that Fairies Exist. Many people want to know: are fairies real? Fairies have been a central figure of legends for hundreds of years. Today we know fairies mostly by what we see on the TV or in books, but once our ancestors believed fairies were considered a part of daily life.

Think about it like this – legends might seem elaborate and fantastical, but they stem from some truth. Whether the truth has been diluted or transformed over the years, there is some truth to the belief in fairies.

What is a Fairy

A magical creature that has been a part of folklore, legends, and mythology across various cultures for centuries. They are often depicted as small, human-like beings with wings, possessing magical powers and a connection to nature. Fairies can be benevolent or mischievous, and their behavior towards humans may vary.

There are many different types of fairies, and their appearances and abilities can differ greatly depending on the culture and specific folklore they come from. Some common types of fairies include pixies, sprites, brownies, leprechauns, and selkies.

Although fairies hold a prominent place in our cultural imagination, there is no concrete scientific evidence to support their existence. The belief in fairies is often attributed to psychological and cultural factors, as well as the human tendency to seek explanations for unexplained events. Regardless of their existence, here in all about fairies they continue to be a source of fascination and inspiration in literature, art, and popular culture.

Difference Between Pixies and Fairies 

If there is a difference between Pixies and Fairies, why are they both sometimes called the Fae, fay, faeries, sprites and pixies. Are they the same thing? Are there separate variations or species? What are they exactly? Where do they live? Who believes in them and how do they communicate with them?

There are several spellings used throughout the world and spiritual community for faeries. Fairy and faerie are the two most common for fairy, but they are also described as fay or fae. Pixie, leprechaun, faerie, brownie, sprite are all terms for these supernatural beings. Pixie is the most common of these terms.

Faeries from different cultures

We will discuss Faeries that are in legends and folklore from different countries and cultures around the world.

Literature from all over the world has tales of these fantasy creatures having interactions with humans. These beliefs from both written and oral folklore date way back to ancient times. 

Traces of these fantasy creatures come from many sources:

  • Fae of medieval Western European folklore. 
  • Sanskrit gandharva (semi divine celestial musicians)
  • Nymphs of the Greeks and Homer
  • Jinni of Arabic mythology
  • From Many other folklore characters of the Samoans, Arctic, and other indigenous Americans.

Fantasy Creatures

Here in All About Fairies, Folklore tells us that there are other Fantasy Creatures like these Fairy beings that are endowed with the powers of magic and enchantment. 

Here are sone examples of some of these Fantasy Creatures:


Fairy ElveElfin Princess

Elves --- Sometimes called Elfs, are very beautiful youthful looking men and women with great magical powers. They live underground or in caves in the forest. These are almost always near a well or spring. Elves live a very long time, and some are considered to be immortal. Click here for more about Elves.



A Dwarf is a magical creature that is associated with age and wisdom. Their pictures almost always are with beards. They have great knowledge, particularly of craftsmanship. Metallurgy is one of their great skills. They are said to have made some of the great artifacts of legend.   Click here for more about Dwarves



Leprechauns are Irish mythical creatures that seem to be found only in Irish folklore. They are described as male faerie that appear as tiny, wizened-faced old men that inhabit the isle of Ireland. There are many leprechaun legends and leprechaun stories that come from the early 19th century. 
Are Leprechauns Real? Click here for more about Leprechauns.


Fantasy Creature Pixie

Pixies in folklore are depicted as little people with wings, smaller than fairies. In some places, they are sometimes confused with Fairies and Sprites but they should not be confused.  In this picture you can see the similarities. They do not get along with Fairies because of constant fighting over territories.
Click here for more about Pixies

All About Fairies and "Fantasy Creatures"

This groupe  would include dragons, mermaids, unicorns, Pegasus and many others. These mythical creatures are a form of nature spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural. They do not haft to have similarities to humans.


Fantasy Creature Dragon

In early cultures, Dragons, when they appear, seem to be created from parts of various creatures. Most images have eagle's feet and wings, lion's front paws, head of a snake, scales like a fish, giant horns and a alligator body and tail, which sometimes extended the whole length of the creature.  Pictures of dragons are also very popular for doing drawings, especially pencil drawings . Young people may sit for hours doing a pencil drawing of  these and other fantasy creatures.

Click Here for more about Dragons.


Mermaids--- Mermaids are legendary creatures that live in the sea and have the upper body and torso of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a fish. Mermaids are thought to be enchantresses who are capable of wooing men to their deaths through the sound of their songs. The term "Sea Sirens" or "Sirens mythological creatures" is sometimes used instead of mermaids. This occurs often in Greek mythology. 
Are Mermaids Real? Click here for more about Mermaids 

Fairies  Art

Fairy Art

There is a great deal of Art being done by famous artists such as Amy Brown . Some of the artwork is free and can be found on an internet search, such as free art or free graphics. Click here for Free Art Page 

Fairy Tales

Charles Dickens wrote: 
"In an utilitarian age, of all other times, it is a matter of grave importance that fairytales should be respected."


Fairy tales, or fairy stories, have fantasy creatures such as fairies, faeries, fey, pixies, goblins, elves, dragons, mermaids, leprechauns, dwarves, trolls, witches, giants, and  talking animals. Enchantments and far-fetched events are also usually part of these tales.  Most start with a reference to time and place such as "Once upon a time in a place far away"

"Thank you for visiting All About Fairies - your one-stop destination for all things related to the enchanting world of fairies, sprites, and magical beings! We hope you've enjoyed exploring their mystical realm with us, and that you've been inspired to learn more about these captivating creatures.

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May your days be filled with magic and wonder! 🌸

With love and fairy dust, The All About Faires Team"

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